Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bittersweet Sentiments

Good day my crafty Gal Pals, I write with a heavy heart, my Mother will be losing her 3rd sister this year. She has lost a sister every two years now. My mother is the second oldest of 11 children, 6 girls and 4 boys. My aunt B who is just a couple years younger than my mother, was given 4 to 6 weeks to live due to a fatal illness; she has cancer throughout her body and has decided to not do any further treatment. I guess I don’t blame her. So I have been scratching my brain as to what I should say to someone who has been given this death sentence, so I wrote a 2 page letter hoping NOT to ONE. Depress the snot out of her and TWO. To say what I want to say before she is no longer with us, and a P.S. to say “Maybe you can come back next time as a bird and crap on those heads you were not able to in this life…;0)” I will even put this in an envelope with a stamp and mail it to her home. Novel Idea huh?? Computers and e-mail have made communication all seem so impersonal anymore, it’s not difficult to just forward someone else’s idea with a ditto at the bottom. You know all those infamous chain letters we get and glance thru. This letter is just for her…

I will miss you aunt B.

So in reflection, at least those of us who think we are too busy to say to those who mean a lot to us, we should take note, and express what we want to and need to say, cuz’ ya never know when it will be too late.

I also want to send out good wishes to First Mate Tia who is a dear friend to my BFF Moon Sister. Moon colored pieces of her hair pink in honor of Tia. You’re in my prayers First mate!

Till next time my crafty gal pals, Have a good one!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I see Crows!

Yep that there is a bag of unfinished Crows! I have about 30 or so of the little critters. My fingers are tired! They are all stuffed and ready for paint and distressing, then a good dunk into a mixture of dark coffee and Cinnamon. Then I will dress them all up with a hat and rusty bell (which will also take a dunk in said mixture).

These guys did great at the Homestead this year.

Here is an example of one when they are done!

I have been making these dudes for a while now, I think I found the pattern in a issue of some ornament book/magazine. the original pattern is in my storage, so I had to improvise, I swiped my moms from the christmas tree and made a new pattern. ;0)

Till next time my Crafty gal pals, Have a good one!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Look what I can do!

I made my very first ever Ball Headed Snowman with a weighted bottom. (I can relate to the weighted bottom thing ;0) For those of you who ALREADY know this stuff, good on ya! But for us who are challenged, this IS a big deal! He still needs to be dressed, and of coarse I still need to coffee stain him, I just couldn’t wait to show him off. I even had to give him a belly button. I know who is going to see that once he is dressed. Who knows, I’ll know!;0)

I love the shy simple little face. I had to give his cheeks a little color too. So as soon as I dress this little nakey fellow I’ll show those pics...

Now give me a little time, I have my hands in many pots at the moment.

Disclaimer: I just want to add that I created this little guy from NO pattern and I can honestly say I don't think I have seen a little guy like this. He is of my own creation.

Well Ya all Have a good one!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reconnaissance computer take over was a success!

Yeap! I snuck into teens room unbeknownst to them, minimized homework screen and took over. Of course when teen came in yelling that there was no one at the door, I was already logged on! “MOOOOOOM!” I gave the stink eye and reminded them that I gave birth to them and they owe me, or something like that.

I did compromise, I just down loaded pics and decided to finish here at my cubicle cave…

I managed to down load all my craft pics, but I thought I would spread it out, considering they are currently still in the works, and I have no idea when I’ll be able to take over computer again…

Oaky, so you can see how these turned out oh so lovely. What do you think Moon?
I love to use my creative mind and see what works and believe me I have found enough that doesn’t work. Let me know what you think.

Now I need to find a few frames that are suitable for them. Hey Moon, when ya get the tat colored I would like to show that on here.
Skeeter Bug, says "Hey" she loves those nasty smelly bones! She holds it like a cat. I'm sure she is made of all sorts of left over critter parts cuz sometimes she's part cat, deer and rodent. Silly dog! My dad has often said, "she is tiny in stature but she has a big heart." and big googly wet eyeballs...;0)

Till next time my Crafty gal pals! Keep em' rollen'! And Have a good one!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hulloooo out there!

Wow! Where have I been?! WORKING!! my hours changed so I work later on main job, which makes it later on 2nd job, not to mention this cuts into kid time, so computer time has to be on the down low at main job... SHHHHHH!

Plus my father had surgery, so I have been helping out with stuff around the house. Let's just say the new year proves to be very busy so far...

I have managed to squeeze in some craft time in, I know you have see the pic below, I have them done now and will down load pics of them very soon, (need to shuv a teen in the closet long enough to steal computer time at home, only place I can down load pics!)

I used a new technique, I used colored pencils. I know, Say What?! They will be framed so I'm not worried about fading. Must say they turned out well!

Also, I had some help from my best bud in in Hawaii with figuring out some new sewing techs, I learned how to make a ball for a head, I'll show pics of my version of "Samuel McFrosty". Coming soon. See I usually worked with wood, love the smell of all woods, and the varnish and all that, (cave women in me!)I truly miss my saws and sanders and all my tools..... (heavy sigh!) But now I live in limited space I've had to adjust my crafty side with learning how to sew and other nifty new crafty things to keep my busy hands working. So please stay tuned, I WILL get my stuff out there!

Have a good One!