Meandering thoughts, Ramblings on of a Constant Crafter! No matter where I go in this Great Big O’ World, I always manage to find some way to busy my hands!
About me?! I’m 30ishish, well quickly staring down hill at 40.
Product of the 80’s, finally have lost that big bang look!
I live in beautiful Colorful Colorado, where the Mountain View is fabulous and the Sunsets are gorgeous! Fall is my all time faVe season, love Christmas too. Both are my most busiest time of the year when I’m a Creating Crafting Fool hidden away in my dungeon.
Mother of THREE teens, who I am quite proud to say I haven’t eaten yet… a little rodent like dog named Skeeter Bug, who has stolen my heart with her great big googly eyes.
I indulge in primitive style and design. So allot of my creations look like I drug them from behind a dusty old truck. Just love that RusTy DuStY PrImItIve style!!
Collector of: MANY things!! Crocks, jars, dolls, vintage tin signs...
Really the list could go on and on.
So that’s me in a cracked up nut shell.